Thursday, May 20, 2010
What can be better than pb and marshmellow sandwhiches?
There are just some foods that remind you of certain people. For example, when I think of my husband, I think, Mac and cheese. Orange Marmalade, homeade chip dip (miracle whip, mustard and ketchup) and bread and butter remind me of my grandma. Bacon (nice and crispy) reminds me of Sunday brunch with my grandpa. And peanut butter and marshmellow sandwhiches remind me of my dad. They are FAR from healthy the way he makes them (slathered in butter), so he would sneak them to us whenever my mom was out of the house and he needed to make lunch. We thought he was so cool. SO I have passed this onto my kiddos. We have them rarely and I don't use butter, but they think they are just as cool. :)
I did 2 more cards yesterday and they were HARD! LOL I picked a challenge from this site: and tried to make some cards that only had one layer. One layer? No patterned paper? Just stamps? Oh, boy! Let's see what you think.

Oh, I can't believe I never mentioned my darling daughter and her latest obsession: mustaches. Yep. You heard it right. She wants a mustache. Now, not a real one, but she did see some in a gumball machine and has begged and pleaded to have one, so...
We went out shopping and she wore it part of the morning. We got stopped a multitude of times with people wanting to tell her how cute she was. Wrong move, people. Baby girl got the idea in her head that people were making fun of her and she was done. Decided that having a mustache was a silly idea. I'm so glad I got some pictures first. :( I liked the mustache phase.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Give me back my Mojo, Pam!
I need ALOT of inspiration. I will admit it. It doesn't always come naturally. My excuse is that my brain is too full for new ideas sometimes. Really. I have a very full brain. LOL I recently found the answer to my full brain problems...a blog that lists daily challenges found on other blogs. How perfect is that? Now I can have inspiration at my fingertips any day of the week. Most of my scrappy friends live far away, so that is a great way for us to do some challenges together. :)

Not bad, not bad. I love the house part. I have been struggling lately with choosing papers. I don't know why. Maybe I need some new ones. ;) Here is another card and 2 layouts I have finished in the last week. I have chatted with Pam. Maybe some of my Mojo leaked back out over the phone. I hope she is taking good care of it.

Okay, now for the most exciting thing of all! Seriously, I haven't stopped smiling since I bought it. I am totally in love with it:
For those of you who think I have lost my mind along with my mojo (maybe Pam took that, too). Take a closer look at my "disposable" Starbucks cup. It is NOT disposable! It is a double insulated tumbler cup made to look like a Starbucks cup. How clever is that. It does a great job keeping my ice water icy and I think it is too cute. (Billy thinks it is retarded, but he didn't pay for it...LOL)
I got my favorite scrappy friend, Pam on board to play with me. In fact, now that I think about it, I think I was much more inspired when Pam lived closer to me. Hmmmm...maybe she stole my Mojo. That has to be it. Anyway, the challenge link I chose for today is found at Sweet Sketch Wednesday. Here is the sketch for today:

Here is my interpretation of the sketch:
Off to finish up one of my favorite layouts that I have done in a long time. I hope to post it soon!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
We are here! We are here! We are here! We are here!
Or at least, I am here. I just love Horton Hears a Who. First of all, who doesn't love an elephant who hears voices. And secondly, don't we all just want to be noticed? I look at my little wall of subscribers and feel loved. I'm sorry I have been neglecting you.
Although my time to create has been sparse, I have made a few cards lately. Of course, I keep mailing them off without pictures. LOL However, I did try a new type of card called an easle card. You can find the directions for it here:
Now that we have had a nice chat, I am going to get back to finishing up some layouts. How refreshing is that?

So today Isabel is not feeling well. I'm sorry she is sick, but oh, I have needed a "play day"! She is happily watching cartoons on the couch and I am sitting in my studio deciding whether to create something or organize. LOL Which do I like better? Anyway, I am keeping her in popsicles and happily watching Julie & Julia. What a lovely day!
I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day. My kids are getting to the age where they like to participate in it more and are so excited to make me/buy me things. This year, Collin's teacher at school really outdid herself with having the kids make things for Mother's Day. On Friday, Collin happily ran out of school holding a plastic cup in which he planted some flowers that were beginning to sprout. He proudly thrust it at me shouting "Happy Valentines Day"! I love it! He was also thrilled to have some other surprises for me in his bookbag. He enjoyed playing a "can you guess what I made you...don't look in my bag" sort of game with me all that afternoon. The kids also picked me out some gifts (from Goodwill...we are not rich, you that they were delighted with. Isabel got me the school house and Collin got me the tiger. I am a lucky mom.
It was much easier than I thought and really a lovely card to decorate. You should give them a try.
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