Sunday, May 6, 2012

May's Counterfeit Kit!

I have been having so much fun pulling things for this kit!  I really like the direction I was able to take with it!

My camera is not working, so I took these pics with my phone, which is getting ready to be finished as well.  Sigh.  So excuse the not great photos. 

Here is my overall kit:

I did not have any bicycle paper that would work, so I went with a camera theme instead.  I LOVE the woodgrain paper and the colors of cardstock I pulled!  I think I can manage some guy and girl stuff with this kit!

I am going to use some blank Momenta stickers and print my own alphas.  I also made my own washi tape, since I didn't have any that would work.

Butterflies already punched from my scraps.  That was easy!

The frames were easily made with my Cricut and I had fun making the note cards to journal on!

I have tons of fun brads, so I added some of those...and a few stamps (managed to sneak a bike in anyway).

I am ready to go with this kit!  I will admit, that I have saved about 3 previous kits from this year.  I love them too much to break them down yet.  I have so much to play with!