Spring is in the air and crafty crushes are all around. If you are crafty at heart, I'm sure there is SOMEONE out there that has a crafty style that you just dig. Maybe it is because it is like your style...or you want to achieve that style...or that style just inspires you. Style style style (Yes, I do keep saying that word, don't I?). Today at the Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog we are all about crafty crushes. Several of us from the CKC are sharing our favorite crushes as vaguely as possible. LOL It is all in fun. At the bottom of my post please share who YOU think I am crushing on.
My go to girl for inspiration is the lovely ? of the blog ? and designer for ?
If I could come back in another life as another crafter, I would pick ?. She is certainly an out of the box thinker when it comes to crafting. I would love to be a fly on her wall (not in a creepy needs to call the police kind of way) to see her creative process.
What I LOVE:
**Clearly focused style for each project: bright and fun, soft and pretty, graphic
**LOTS of details! She is great at finishing touches!
**Out of the box crafter when it comes to using her supplies. Now why didn't I think of that?
**She has mad stamping skills!
**Non layout/card projects are AMAZING! She can throw down some 3-D projects!
Here are just a few of the reasons I think she is fabulous! Check out some of her projects on her blog! I mean, really? How you you pick your favorite?
Now for my humble offerings to BE MORE LIKE ???.
Here is a card that she made that really inspired me:
Not my project...my mystery crush!
the white space
the flowers drawing your eye in
the cheveron on the bottom.
I wanted to make mine a bit more gender neutral, so I went with labels (stamped and cut out of card stock) and some sequins. I feel I STINK at white space, so this was a challenge for me. It is not bad. I would mail it to someone. LOL
There is a Birthday Post on her blog is so bright and fun! Here is one of the projects on it:
Not my project...my mystery crush!
I decided to make a card for my nephew's birthday coming up.
What I loved about her cards:
bright colors
To mimic this look, I added sequins to the circle print on my patterned paper. The photo on the front (in the frame) is also a magnet that my nephew can remove and keep. Ben LOVES to color (and loves super heroes) so I made the inside ready for him to color. I love this card! It took a while, but was worth all of the details!
And WHERE did I come up with the papers for these cards? Why from my March kit, of course...I made it, but never took the time to show it off, so here it is in all of it's crafty glory:
Make sure you head over to Counterfeit Kit Challenge to see what Crafty Crushes are going on over there!
Here is a list of the hop so you know where you are going:
Stephanie: http://skylinepaperie.blogspot.com
Susanne: http://snapsandsnippets.Tomorrow (21st) they will also have a list REVEALING who our craft crushes are so make sure you check back in at the CKC blog! Will you have guessed correctly?
**For the purpose of this post being a mystery, I am not able to link up to my crush. I am giving her FULL credit though for her great projects and will come back later to put a link in the bottom that will not spoil the mystery of it all. So BIG apologies to ??? for not being able to link up yet.