If you have never made a kit before, you are in for a treat! As a mom of 2 with limited time, I have found that creating kits for layouts, cards, mini albums and other projects is the most efficient way for me to get my mojo going. Sometimes I just make a basic kit and see what comes from it and other times I make a kit based on a theme of specific pictures/projects I want to get done. They are great to pull out at home when you have a few minutes and are wonderful if you are going to a crop and don't want to drag everything you own. Can I tell you the best part? Making up a kit from your own stash is a wonderful way to save money and use what you already own as well! Here are some samples of the kits that sparked the idea over the year ago.

Rush on over to http://counterfeitkitchallenge.blogspot.com/ to see the beautiful kit we will be re-creating this month! And if you decide you would rather just purchase that kit, we promise not to tell. :) Tomorrow Meridy will be showing you the kits WE created based on that inspiration and I will be posting on this blog how I plan to store my kits.
I hope you will play along, create alot and share with us on our blog! We will have a rockin' year together and get alot of beautiful creations made!