The pictures of Isabel's birthday combined with a Sketch Support Sketch (from book 8) were perfect for my November kit.

We started our December Countdown yesterday! First up was writing a letter to Santa. Yes, my kids still believe in Santa. Firmly. And we are just fine with that. I found some cute printable paper for them to use and they got right to work.
Isabel did not have to do much work. She put down four "suggestions" and called it a day: Movie, gum, Polly Pocket, Barbie game for the DS.
Collin, however, got straight on the internet so he could write down the item numbers to every lego set over $50 that he did not have yet. Every. stinkin. one! (His reasoning: Santa needed a good amount of ideas. And Collin could fairly easily (in his mind) earn up to $50 to buy the other sets. Over $50 was WAY harder.) His list is huge! He did tell Santa to just pick one thing off of it, but we still had a good talk about being selfish. He will be revising his list tonight.
Pictures tomorrow of Day 2: Game night! And I bought a new game: The Chronicles of Narnia.